We change to be even more ourselves.
A new identity for Comelit.
“It sounds like a cliché but the passage of time teaches us to be introspective and treasure the new awareness that has emerged: this is the process that has allowed us to reach the certainty that the current visual identity, whose highest expression is the new logo, no longer represents Comelit’s real values: a solid, reliable company that is close to its customers, suppliers and collaborators.The first result of this path has been the new claim, With You Always, which fully reflects our attitude but does not mark a real before and after in Comelit’s history.
So what is the next step? We felt that an action representing and certifying a real change was necessary, not because we thought what was there before was old or ugly, but simply no longer suited to what we represent today.
The new logo, the main communicator of the visual identity, represents all the values that belong to us and make us unique and competitive on the market. A strategic choice, which is not based on a mere graphic and aesthetic issue, but which aims to promote the identification of Comelit as a strong, trustworthy and people-focused company.”
What is a Brand?
Solid, reliable and close to its customers.
Solid, reliable and close to its customers.
That’s why we realised that the existing visual identity could no longer represent Comelit’s real values and so we decided to change it, through a new claim and logo which, even before being a graphic sign, is an identity element expressing Comelit’s being and the way we want to be perceived: solid, reliable and close to its customers. In particular, a distinctive element of our personality is our willingness and ability to be close to people (whether they are customers, collaborators, suppliers or distributors) at all times that matter and to always put them at the centre of our attention! In practical terms, this means proposing the best product and service solutions, guaranteeing quick and easy installation and programming, and providing a helpful, available and competent pre- and after-sales service. This strength is expressed in the new claim “With You Always”.

Changing identity requires determination, courage and above all self-awareness.
The redefinition of the visual identity also takes place through a new logo, which is only the tip of the iceberg of a long and reasoned process of evolution, whose primary objective is the exaltation of the company mission and its values. A new logo, fresher, cleaner and more contemporary, which concedes nothing to the superfluous and is aimed at enhancing the perception of solidity, constant presence and daily commitment to serving our customers.
We have gone from a logo that lasted almost 20 years, built on the basis of Neuropol, a large and futuristic font with clear references to the Bauhaus school, to a logo built with a custom font designed on the basis of Gotham, considered one of the ‘freshest’ of recent years, which draws inspiration from the geometries of Manhattan buildings and which in turn derives from the more famous Futura.

A strong and distinctive character.
A strong and distinctive character.
The use of capital letters and bold type is preferred, to emphasise the solidity, reliability and presence of the company, with letters equidistant from each other to affirm the equal closeness to each person connected with Comelit. In the design of the new logo, the two initial letters – the green “C” and the blue “O” – are constructed so as to embrace each other almost to the point of merging (“With You“) in a perfect circle where beginning and end coincide, so as to convey the perception of a sign recalling the symbol of infinity (“Always“).

But that’s not all! New colours too, with a new, more evolved palette where the two main colours stand out: a new green, Pantone 7480 C, brighter, more vivid and vibrant, the colour of vitality and energy, combined with a very dark blue, Pantone 532 C, which not only recalls Comelit’s origins, but is also the colour that symbolises infinity, and here once again the reference to ‘Always’. In addition to a new visual identity, we have also created a new ‘sonic brand’ that models the emotional experience associated with our brand: an instantly recognisable sound that represents us and evokes a strong embrace that is difficult to forget.
This is the company’s 5th logo change since its foundation in ’56, and it is the most significant and clearest change from the past. It is a very considered and courageous choice, as any change of this magnitude is. We have a promise, which is the essence of our commitment and we are ready to keep it, making it concrete with determination and courage, with passion and responsibility: Comelit, With You Always.